1 timothy 2造句


  1. 1 Timothy 2 : 12 is a key passage for Protestants in the debate.
  2. 1 Timothy 2 : 12 contains a rare Greek verb, found only here in the entire Bible.
  3. This is good and pleases God our Savior .'( 1 Timothy 2 : 2-3 ).
  4. Most Protestants today recognize only Christ as a mediator between themselves and God ( 1 Timothy 2 : 5 ).
  5. Paul's instructions contained in 1 Timothy 2 : 12 should be accepted as normative in the church today.
  6. It's difficult to find 1 timothy 2 in a sentence. 用1 timothy 2造句挺难的
  7. Richard and Catherine Kroeger follow in Schmithals's footsteps in positing the background to 1 Timothy 2 : 12.
  8. These norms, it is argued, shape the lenses through which passages such as 1 Timothy 2 : 12 are perceived and understood.
  9. Congregations of the " LCR " follow 1 Timothy 2 : 12 in practicing male-only suffrage in congregational voter's assemblies.
  10. N . T . Wright, former Bishop of Durham, says that 1 Timothy 2 is the " hardest passage of all " to exegete properly.
  11. Most of the restrictions placed on women by many Christian churches stem from two passages : 1 Timothy 2 : 12 and 1 Corinthians ( specifically ).
  12. Fortuny says women describe their attire as part of obeying biblical commands found in 1 Timothy 2 : 9, and 1 Corinthians 11 : 15 for long hair.
  13. While praying, individuals may lay hands on a person in need of prayer, or they may raise their hands in response to biblical commands ( 1 Timothy 2 : 8 ).
  14. Ambrose, among the many accusing Photinus of reducing Christ to a man adopted by God, notes that his favourite verses were 1 Timothy 2 : 5 and John 8 : 40.
  15. The majority of complementarian and some egalitarian scholars agreed with K鰏tenberger, many considering that he has determined conclusively the contextual meaning of " authenteo " in 1 Timothy 2 : 12.
  16. A primary example of this paradigm permeates the book, " I Suffer Not a Woman : Rethinking 1 Timothy 2 : 11-15 in Light of Ancient Evidence, " which she coauthored with her husband.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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